Webpack 4: Extract CSS from Javascript files with mini-css-extract-plugin

Since the release of Webpack 4, extract-text-webpack-plugin is completely broken. A lot of people are complaining about their builds failing after upgrading to Webpack 4. Continue reading “Webpack 4: Extract CSS from Javascript files with mini-css-extract-plugin”

Using Google Drive REST API with Laravel

In this tutorial, we’ll be using Google Drive REST API with Laravel application. We’ll authenticate the user with OAuth service and retrieve their access token. We’ll then use it to manage their drive data and perform read and write operations on their behalf.  Continue reading “Using Google Drive REST API with Laravel”

Building Hacker News Desktop App with React and Electron

The story of Electron begins with Github’s open source code editor Atom. The goal was to build a desktop application with web technology. Github started looking for the right tool to build it. Continue reading “Building Hacker News Desktop App with React and Electron”

Building a Cryptocurrency App using React, React Router v4 and Laravel

Previous versions of React Router used a static routing approach for building single page applications where you would define a route to render a component against it after it matches the specified URL. Continue reading “Building a Cryptocurrency App using React, React Router v4 and Laravel”

Laravel 5.6 : Posting to Profiles and Pages with Facebook PHP SDK

Let’s get started by creating a new Laravel project by running

composer create project laravel/laravel acme

Add laravel/socialite and facebook/graph-sdk to composer.json file

Continue reading “Laravel 5.6 : Posting to Profiles and Pages with Facebook PHP SDK”

Laravel 5.6 : Social Authentication with Laravel Socialite

After a fresh Laravel installation run php artisan make:auth to generate the conventional form-based authentication scaffolding that will take care of your applications entire authentication system by setting up routes, views, and controllers for registration, authentication and password reset. Continue reading “Laravel 5.6 : Social Authentication with Laravel Socialite”

How to use Laravel Task Scheduler on Windows 10

Creating and running Laravel’s scheduled tasks is pretty straightforward on Linux. All you have to do is to create a cronjob which looks something like

* * * * * php /path-to-your-project/artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1

and it will call your Laravel command scheduler every minute to execute due tasks. Continue reading “How to use Laravel Task Scheduler on Windows 10”

Extracting CSS from React Components with Laravel Mix

By default, fresh Laravel installation comes with Vue scaffolding which provides you with a quick starting point for writing your Vue components and easily compiles them into a single browser ready JavaScript file. Continue reading “Extracting CSS from React Components with Laravel Mix”