I’ve been working on an app which lets you live stream your desktop. It takes in an RTMP stream from the broadcaster and transcodes it into HLS stream that viewers can watch in their web browsers. In this tutorial, I’ll show how you can build your own video streaming app with Nodejs. Continue reading “Building Live Streaming App with Node.js and React”
Transcoding Videos for Web Streaming with FFmpeg using Laravel Queues
I’ve been working on a project where we were using AWS elastic transcoder for media conversion. Elastic transcoder is a highly scalable solution for media transcoding. However, it charges your per minute for media conversion depending on your region. Continue reading “Transcoding Videos for Web Streaming with FFmpeg using Laravel Queues”
Building a Video Converter App with Node.js, Express and React
In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to build a video encoder with Node.js. We will use
express.js on the backend to run a web server,
multer for uploading files and
socket.io for broadcasting real-time encoding progress to the user. Continue reading “Building a Video Converter App with Node.js, Express and React”
Building a Snipping Tool with Electron, React and Node.js
Modern web browsers allow us to access connected media devices like microphones, cameras, and screens through MediaDevices interface. Since Electron uses chromium and Nodejs,
MediaDevices devices API is supported out of the box. Continue reading “Building a Snipping Tool with Electron, React and Node.js”
Implementing Infinite Scroll in React and Laravel
Laravel Paginator makes it a breeze to paginate database results and render them in blade views. The HTML generated by paginator is compatible with bootstrap but you can customize it according to your needs. Continue reading “Implementing Infinite Scroll in React and Laravel”
Building an Image Gallery with Laravel and React
Today we are building an image gallery with Laravel and React. We are going to use react-dropzone to build an image uploader. react-dropzone is a React’s implementation of popular drag and drop library for file uploading. On the backend, we are going to use Laravel’s Storage API to store images. Continue reading “Building an Image Gallery with Laravel and React”
Building a Post Scheduler for Facebook Pages with Node.js and React
In this tutorial, we are building a Post Scheduler for Facebook pages. We’ll start off by creating an Express.js web server and use Passport.js to authenticate users with Facebook. Continue reading “Building a Post Scheduler for Facebook Pages with Node.js and React”
Building a Facebook Messenger Chat Bot with Node.js
In this tutorial, we’re building a Facebook messenger chatbot that will respond to users with images of cute cats and dogs. We’ll call it Aww Bot. We need to create a Facebook page for our bot to give it an identity. Our page visitors will be able to interact with it and it will respond to them. Continue reading “Building a Facebook Messenger Chat Bot with Node.js”
Building a Chat App with Express, React and Socket.io with GIFs Support
In this tutorial, we are building a real-time chat app with Node.js/Express backend and React/Bootstrap frontend. Continue reading “Building a Chat App with Express, React and Socket.io with GIFs Support”
Integrating Pinterest API in Laravel
In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to integrate and use Pinterest API in your Laravel Application. At first, I wanted to use dirkgroenen/pinterest-api-php which would work flawlessly for any PHP project but I faced an issue when trying to integrate it into Laravel. Continue reading “Integrating Pinterest API in Laravel”